Mother Night Chapter 34 Summary

Alles Kaput…

  • Ummm...what? Like, but no. What? No.
  • These are just some of Campbell's feelings after Wirtanen shares the news that Resi and Kraft are metaphorically stabbing him in the back.
  • The conversation continues.
  • Campbell: You just took everything away from me. No lover, no friend.
  • Wirtanen: You still have a buddy, lil' buddy.
  • Campbell: Explain.
  • Wirtanen: Kraft—he's genuinely your friend. See, he's two-faced just like you. He'll cut you, but he cares.
  • Wirtanen goes on to explain that the plan was to kidnap Campbell once he was outside of the U.S.
  • Campbell: And Jones?
  • Wirtanen: Oh, that guy. No, he lurves you.
  • Campbell: Okay, so they get me, then what was their plan after that?
  • Wirtanen: They take you to Russia. Use you as an example of Fascist grossies that the U.S. protects andddddd try to get you to say that the U.S. was sweet on Nazis even during the war.
  • Campbell: I'd never!
  • Wirtanen: They figure you'll cooperate because they'll just threaten to kill Resi if you don't play nice. Simple, no?