Mother Night Theme of Patriotism

Patriotism. A good thing? A bad thing? A neutral thing? We don't know. But what we do know is that patriotism is definitely a bad thing when it gets too big for its britches and starts deciding that Country X is way better than all the other letters of the alphabet and should therefore get all the things all the time. That's not just patriotism; that's nationalism run wild.

Not cool, country X. Not cool.

In Mother Night, Vonnegut ups the ante on his exploration of twisted patriotism by giving us a protagonist who is an apolitical Nazi. Talk about a contradiction in terms, since Nazis are one of the most terrifying reminders of the nightmare patriotic nationalism can bring on.

Questions About Patriotism

  1. How does the text differentiate between patriotism and nationalism?
  2. Are there instances when Campbell might be patriotic? When?
  3. Where does Wirtanen seem to stand on the issue of patriotism?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

None of the characters are actually patriotic, not even the Nazis.

Campbell is patriotic; he just doesn't realize it.