Mother Night Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Mother Night.

Sex Quotes

The only other cutting I have done is in Chapter Twenty-three, which is pornographic in the original. I would have considered myself honor-bound to present that chapter unbowdlerized, were it not f...

Betrayal Quotes

'After two years of hearing that call over the loudspeakers, between the music,' Gutman said to me, 'the position of corpse-carrier suddenly sounded like a very good job.''I can understand that,' I...

Patriotism Quotes

I am an American by birth, a Nazi by reputation, and a nationless person by inclination. (1.2)

Religion Quotes

'New York City must be Heaven,' said Mengel. 'It might well be for you,' I said. 'It was hell for me—or not Hell, something worse than Hell.' 'What could be worse than Hell?' he said. 'Purgatory,...

Literature and Writing Quotes

When Arpad came on duty at six last night, he demanded to see what I'd written so far. I gave him the very few pages, and Arpad walked up and down the corridor, waving and praising the pages extrav...

Fate and Free Will Quotes

It was dumb luck that brought us together. No conspiracy was involved at first. It was I who knocked on his door, invaded his privacy. If I hadn't carved that chess set, we never would have met. (1...

Warfare Quotes

'And the music was always stopping in the middle,' he said, 'and then there was an announcement. All day long, music and announcements.' 'Very modern,' I said. He closed his eyes, remembered gropin...

Philosophical Viewpoints: Philosophy of History & Historical Narratives Quotes

'Did you ever hear any of my broadcasts?' I asked him. The medium of my war crimes was radio broadcasting. I was a Nazi radio propagandist, a shrewd and loathsome anti-Semite. (3.8)