My Ántonia Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

All those fall afternoons were the same, but I never got used to them. As far as we could see, the miles of copper-red grass were drenched in sunlight that was stronger and fiercer than at any other time of the day. The blond cornfields were red gold, the haystacks turned rosy and threw long shadows. (1.6.5)

Think about how Cather uses color, in this and other passages describing the landscape. How is color used to evoke specific emotions with regard to the novel's physical setting and its tonal atmosphere or mood?

Quote #8

As Ántonia said, the whole world was changed by the snow. (1.9.5)

And so are the lives of the people who live in the Nebraskan prairie. The farmers are at the mercy of the elements. That is, both their lives and their attitudes are affected by the shifting seasons. Think about which events happen in winter, and which in spring or summer, in this novel. Do you notice any patterns?

Quote #9

For the first time it occurred to me that I should be homesick for that river after I left it. (2.14.5)

How does Jim's move into town – and the corresponding shift in physical setting – impact the movement of the novel's plotline, themes, and mood?