My Life in Dog Years Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I am—I say this with some pride and not a little wonder—a "dog person." (1.1)

Paulsen doesn't just love dogs; he's proud to love dogs. He thinks he's a better person for even associating with them.

Quote #2

It is now 1997 as I write this, and everything that has happened in the last seventeen years—everything: Iditarods, published books, love, living, life—all of it, including this book, I owe to Cookie. (1.18)

It's no surprise that Paulsen holds his dog Cookie in very high esteem—she saved his life. Sounds like she deserves it.

Quote #3

Ike was a great barrel-chested black Labrador that became one of the best friends I've ever had and was in all ways an equal; not a pet, not something to master, but an equal. (3.10)

Probably most people think of dogs as pets instead of equals. Paulsen clearly thinks that's wrong. Is that realistic?