My Life in Dog Years Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I would have died if not for Cookie. She saw me drop, instantly analyzed the situation, got the team up—she must have jerked them to their feet—got them pulling, and they pulled me out. (1.16-1.17)

In a life-or-death situation, Cookie acted fast. Many people wouldn't have that presence of mind in an emergency.

Quote #2

"You want to hunt?" There, he knew that word. His tail hammered his sides and he stood, wiggling, and moved off along the river ahead of me. (3.28-3.29)

Many of Paulsen's dogs have a pretty good command of the English language. Especially when it comes to words like "hunt" and "Dairy Queen."

Quote #3

I know it sounds far-fetched, but he seemed to study each calf individually, or perhaps he was counting them. (5.16)

More than once, Paulsen catches the collies in the book (Rex and Josh) sizing up a person or animal. He's not 100 percent sure about what they're thinking, but he knows that it's something smart.