My Life in Dog Years Chapter 4 Summary

Dirk: The Protector

  • Paulsen's a teenager now, and his parents' drinking has gotten way worse.
  • He's holed up in the basement of his parents' apartment building, hunting and fishing for food and working around town for money for clothes and school supplies. His parents are too drunk to stock the refrigerator.
  • During the summers, he works on farms. During the school year, he works in bowling alleys.
  • He doesn't make much money. He moonlights selling newspapers in bars at night.
  • Being on the streets at night, Paulsen becomes a target of a local gang that frequently beats him up and steals his money.
  • One night Paulsen's heading home from working at the bowling alley when he encounters Dirk. Dirk growls at him from beneath a stairwell, not letting him pass.
  • Paulsen happens to have a hamburger on him. He tosses the half the burger to the dog and makes a run for it.
  • BOOM. Paulsen crashes into the gang that's always harassing him. Paulsen loses his mind a little and punches their leader, whose name is Happy, in the face.
  • The whole gang starts beating on Paulsen. That is, until the stairwell dog attacks. The gang runs away, terrified.
  • Paulsen gets his first real look at the dog. He's mangy and tough, and he has a piece of somebody's blue jeans in his mouth.
  • The dog growls at Paulsen. He gives the beast the rest of the burger and the dog follows him home.
  • Back in the basement, Paulsen decides to name the dog Dirk after a tough guy in a detective novel he'd been reading.
  • Before bed, Paulsen shares some peanut butter and jelly crackers with his new friend.
  • When Paulsen heads off to school the next morning, Dirk follows him. He waits outside until school's out for the day.
  • Uh-oh, here's Happy, the gang leader. He's still mad about the night before.
  • Happy swings at Paulsen. Dirk attacks, biting Happy in the stomach and rear. Not so happy now, eh?
  • Paulsen is delighted. He can't believe he's found a bodyguard.
  • Though they aren't exactly friends, Dirk continues to protect Paulsen. In return, Paulsen feeds him hamburgers.
  • Happy and the gang stop bothering Paulsen because they feel so threatened by Dirk.
  • One summer, Paulsen takes Dirk to a farm where he's working. Dirk really takes to the owner, Olaf.
  • This is strange because Dirk isn't exactly a friendly dog. Surprisingly, when Olaf pets Dirk, the dog wags his tail.
  • When Paulsen's done working, Dirk stays on the farm. He helps herd sheep.
  • The farmer's pleased with Dirk's good work. Last year he lost more than 40 sheep to wild animals. He hasn't lost any since Dirk came to the farm.
  • The farmer comments that Dirk is a great guard. Yeah, Paulsen says. He sure is.