My Name is Asher Lev Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around My Name is Asher Lev? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When Rivkeh is sick in bed after Yaakov's death, what does she want Asher to draw a picture of?

Salmon swimming upstream
Pretty birds
His father
The Master of the Universe
Q. What does Asher draw in his Chumash?

The Rabbi looking like a demon
A friendly alien
Jacob Kahn doing a jig
Yudel Krinsky
Q. What is the first sculpture Jacob Kahn makes that features Asher?

A sculpture of Asher doing a handstand.
A sculpture of Jacob Kahn and Asher building an ark.
A sculpture of Jacob Kahn giving Asher a haricut.
A sculpture of Jacob Kahn and Asher dancing on a Jewish holiday
Q. Which of these things influences Asher's art?

The suffering of the Jewish people.
Bowls of fruit
The cast of Dawson's Creek
Q. Which of these is something an art critic said about Asher?

"He's pretty good for a little boy."
"He is a discredit to the Jewish people."
"He has a fondness for Picassoid forms."
"He has probably eaten lead paint."