The Mysteries of Udolpho Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He was a descendant from the younger branch of an illustrious family […] (1.1.3)

St. Aubert's in a tight spot in a time when "younger branch" meant less money. He's got all the prestige of the St. Aubert name without any of the cash or land that makes for easy livin'.

Quote #2

This sum then, he said to himself, would make this poor family completely happy—it is in my power to give it—to make them completely happy! (1.5.12)

Aw, Valancourt. He's not generous to just anyone—he really and truly feels that it's his duty to keep this struggling family on their feet.

Quote #3

"From this hour you must consider the Signor Montoni your uncle—we were married this morning." (1.13.3)

You don't get to choose your family in Udolpho-land—at least when Madame Cheron is calling the shots.