The Mysteries of Udolpho Volume 2, Chapter 11 Summary

  • Em wakes up from a little nappy-nap and decides to finally ask Montoni about letting Annette out of the room. Nice of her to be in such a hurry.
  • She sees remnants of the battle strewn all about.
  • Em runs into Montoni in the hallway. He's worried that she overheard something he was saying, but promises to get Annette out of the room.
  • When Annette finally gets out, she's all shaken up about Ludovico. It seems he's received a near-mortal wound.
  • Em's indulging in her favorite habit (crying, of course) when she hears some strange music from afar.
  • It's actually comforting to the poor girl, who's reminded of her dearly departed dad.