The Mysteries of Udolpho Writing Style

Abrupt, Helter-Skelter

Slow as Molasses

Yep, we threw out the word "helter-skelter" to describe the combination of dreamy landscape descriptions and frantic moments of terror. Sure, we get lulled by the travelogue episode and when Emily "ramble[s] among the scenes of nature" for pages on end early in the book (1.1.15). It's a little like being caught in slow-moving molasses.

Run, Run, As Fast As You Can

But when the story really gets going, it rushes along like a 5K race. Check Em's dramatic escape from Udolpho, for instance. The group "hears shouts in the wind" and "set off at a full gallop," compelling the horses to go as fast as they can (3.9.39). Our hearts skip a couple of beats when Em almost gets caught, but there's no time to rest before the next segment of their journey begins. Phew.

Which One Is It?

Man, is it nice to be lulled by descriptions of the French countryside. And before we know it… zzzz. There's no rest to be had, though, because Radcliffe throws a curveball every time things get a little too dreamy. Want to find out whether Em managed to escape? Too bad. We're making an abrupt change to meet some brand-new characters!