Narrative Theory Texts - "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce (1890)

Set during the American Civil War, this story centers on a man named Peyton Farquhar, who has been captured by soldiers yet "miraculously" escapes being hanged after the rope breaks. The story follows Farquhar during his escape from his captors, focusing on both his physical and emotional state as he tries to make his way home to his wife and child. However, it turns out that some miracles are too good to be true…

Looking back on the story, does the twist at the end come out of the blue, or are there any clues that something is up before we get to the ending?

The narrative begins with Farquhar waiting to be hanged, but does this mark the start of the story? If not, when do we go back to the start and find out what's going on?