Language and Communication Quotes in Nation

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If people came here, [Mau] would tell them about the Nation, and it would come alive again. (4.70)

It's a sad irony that people wouldn't be able to understand what Mau was saying about the Nation because he can't speak their language. He's lucky Daphne is so courteous and patient. (Daphne's lucky, too—she learns some pretty important things from Mau and his people.)

Quote #5

[Mau] would teach [Daphne] the language, so they both would remember. (4.73)

Communication is important not just for two, but for the remembrance of society as a whole. Think of ancient texts and documents that might as well not have existed were it not for a way to translate them, like the Rosetta Stone.

Quote #6

[Baby] was the common language. Probably everyone makes the same sort of cooing noises to babies, everywhere in the world. (6.57)

All the women of the Woman's Place come together to take care of Cahle's baby. What is it about babies that turns adults into babbling idiots? (Hey, there's a theory about that.)