Kathy H. Quotes

Kathy H.

Quote 7

Those early months at the Cottages had been a strange time in our friendship. We were quarrelling over all kinds of little things, but at the same time we were confiding in each other more than ever. (11.1)

Kathy and Ruth have a relationship like kettle corn or chocolate covered pretzels. It's a little salty and a little sweet all at once. But somehow, it works for them. They maintain this salty-sweet relationship throughout the entire novel, right to the very end.

Kathy H.

Quote 8

"Judy Bridgewater. My old friend. It's like she's never been away." (15.99)

It's almost like Kathy has an imaginary friend in Judy Bridgewater. In some ways, Judy may be Kathy's most loyal friend. But what does it mean for Kathy to be friends with a singer she'll never meet? One who can't challenge her, or talk back?

Kathy H.

Quote 9

But just once, as she was twisting herself in a way that seemed scarily unnatural, and I was on the verge of calling the nurses for more painkillers, just for a few seconds, no more, she looked straight at me and she knew exactly who I was. It was one of those little islands of lucidity donors sometimes get to in the midst of their ghastly battles, and she looked at me, just for that moment, and although she didn't speak, I knew what her look meant. (19.142)

How incredible is that? It's pretty cool how Kathy and Ruth can communicate without speaking. We've seen them do this throughout the novel, and it doesn't always work out for the best. But this final look is their last connection. Even without words it seems to give them closure before Ruth "completes."