No Longer At Ease Characters

Meet the Cast

Obi Okonkwo

Obi's DownfallThe first chapter opens with Obi Okonkwo's trial; he is being charged with corruption and with accepting a bribe. "I cannot understand how a young man of your education and brilliant...

Clara Okeke

Obi first meets Clara at a dance in England. She is so beautiful that he becomes awkward around her and continuously steps on her toes; she doesn't dance with him again. Then, by coincidence, they...

Isaac Okonkwo

Anybody who read Things Fall Apart will recognize Isaac Okonkwo (called Nwoye before he converted to Christianity). As a young man, he left his father's house and became a Christian, severing his t...

Hannah Okonkwo

Hannah Okonkwo is Obi's mother. She is obedient to her husband Isaac's decree that they forsake certain Igbo traditions because of their Christian beliefs. But it is also clear that Hannah still re...

Joseph Okeke

Joseph is Obi's friend and kinsmen. He shows Obi the ropes in Lagos before he leaves for Nigeria, then shows Obi the ropes again when he returns. Though Joseph may not be educated, he does understa...


Christopher is another one of Obi's friends. We don't know much about Christopher except that he loves women and partying. He provides a contrast to Obi because he finds it completely acceptable th...

Mr. William Green

Mr. Green, a civil servant, is something of a contradiction. On the one hand, he doesn't seem to think much of modern Nigeria or modern Africans. Obi thinks that Mr. Green works incredibly hard for...

Marie Tomlinson

Marie Tomlinson is Mr. Green's secretary. Young, pretty, and European, Marie becomes friends with Obi by criticizing Mr. Green and praising Clara. Obi succumbs to the flattery. Yet, though Marie de...