No Longer At Ease Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Obi had done his best to make the whole thing sound unimportant. Just a temporary setback and no more. Everything would work out nicely in the end. His mothers' mind had been affected by her long illness but she would soon get over it. AS for his father, he was as good as won over. "All we need do is lie quiet for a little while," he said.

Clara had listened in silence, rubbing her engagement ring with her right fingers. When he stopped talking, she looked up at him and asked if he had finished.

"What are you talking about, Clara?...Oh, don't be silly," he said as she pulled off her ring and held it out to him.

"If you don't take it, I shall throw it out of the window." (15.12-13;19-20)

Though he would like to believe otherwise, Obi is not ready to forsake his family for the woman he loves. He tries to make it sound like he is not breaking up with Clara, but she knows the truth.