Omeros Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Omeros? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The sea-swift represents what?

The poet
Catherine Weldon
Q. When we hear the "tinkling" of coins in this poem, we are reminded of what?

A nice sound
poverty and slavery
Q. Why is the ocean is equated to parchment or paper?

Because it looks crinkly, like crumpled paper
Because the waves remind the poet of written lines
Because it's symbolic of the pages of history
because it is crinkly, has wave-like written lines, and is symbolic of the pages of history
Q. Sure, Philoctete's wound could be a bad case of tetanus, but it might also be what?

A lack of hygiene
A sympathetic, ancestral wound
Worsened because Philo picks at it
Infected by sea anemone venom
Q. Ma Kilman has an interesting conversation with ants because the ants really embody what?

The spirits of her ancestors
Her blossoming mental instability
The narrator's storyline