Our Mutual Friend Book 2, Part 6, Chapter 3 Summary

A Piece of Work

  • One day, Mr. Veneering decides that he is going to run for a spot in the British parliament. So he runs around asking all of his high-class friends if he can count on them for support. They all agree and then run off to tell their own friends.
  • One endorsement Veneering really wants is from Lord Snigsworth, a rich and powerful relative of Mr. Twemlow. But Mr. Twemlow is way too intimidated by this man to ask for such a favor, so Veneering backs off.
  • As always, Dickens uses his time with the Veneerings to make fun of how superficial and delusional the people of high English society are.
  • In the end, the campaign is a success and Mr. Veneering gets himself a spot in parliament.