Our Mutual Friend Book 4, Part 19, Chapter 16 Summary

Persons and Things in General

  • Now that everything is squared away, John and Bella Harmon use their newfound wealth to benefit all of their friends—people like Jenny Wren and Lizzie Hexam and even Mr. Riah. So it looks like all of the good guys win together. Oh yeah, and Eugene ends up surviving his attempted murder by Headstone, although it takes him a long time to recover.
  • Toward the end of the story, the young man Sloppy meets Jenny Wren by accident, and the two of them really hit it off. It looks like there might be some romance in Jenny's life after all… even if it has to be with a dude named Sloppy.
  • Eugene's dad is disappointed that his son married a girl of such low social standing, but he ends up accepting it in the end (especially since it's already done and is legally binding).