Our Mutual Friend Book 4, Part 19, Chapter 12 Summary

The Passing Shadow

  • Time passes and Bella Rokesmith gives birth to a baby girl. Once this happens, though, she notices her husband John showing more and more signs of stress. As time passes, he makes more and more comments about how nice things would be for them if they were rich.
  • Then one day Bella and John round a corner in London and run straight into Mortimer Lightwood, who recognizes John immediately as Julius Handford. The police have been looking for Handford for quite some time, and Lightwood insists it's his duty to make sure John comes forward in the Harmon murder case.
  • After this run-in, Bella swears her loyalty to Rokesmith, even though he's suspected to be Julius Handford who killed Harmon.
  • Later, the police inspector shows up at the Rokesmith house to question John about the Harmon murder. But John sets the inspector straight by taking him to a nearby pub where there are two sailors who recognize John instantly as John Harmon.
  • After the whole story has come out, John tells Bella that they'll need to move to a new, nicer house in downtown London.
  • Next thing you know, John and Bella are in a carriage and pulling up to a fancy house in London. And who should come out of the house to welcome them but Mr. and Mrs. Boffin?