Paperboy Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I got a heavy weight inside my stomach when I thought about trying to sneak into Ara T's hideout. It was like the feeling I got in class when I knew my name was going to be called to say something. You know where the weight comes from and what it means but you just get downright tired of it. (10.5)

Going into Ara T's shed is pretty scary—especially because Ara T is an unsavory character—but Victor forges ahead anyway. Even if he has a sinking feeling in his stomach, he has to go through with his plan.

Quote #8

I knew I was trapped and the longer I stayed in that shed the more trapped I would be. I picked up a short-handled shovel that had been knocked to the ground near me. The end of the shovel was as big as any I had ever seen. Holding it in front of my face I eased up to the door opening. When I heard the first footsteps coming toward me I took off out of the shed like my life depended on it. (10.25)

When Ara T returns to his shed while Victor is looking for his knife, there's no place to hide. Victor just has to be brave and run out of the shed in full view—avoiding Ara T but not hiding his identity either.

Quote #9

Somehow I was going to let Willie know I wasn't afraid of him either. It didn't take much guts to send a rock through the air to bust somebody in the back of the head. It would take a lot of guts for me to send words in the air to tell Willie what I thought about him. (13.44)

Dealing with other kids who bully him over his stutter is such a drag. Victor knows that one of these days, he's going to have to screw up his courage and tell them exactly what he thinks of their mean, bullying ways.