Paperboy Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

How many times do I have to tell you to keeps away from that man? He ain't found no prize and never will. He has the devil full inside him. We're not talkin' about such stuff no more. (6.50)

Mam refuses to talk about Ara T because she considers him the lowest of the low. How is she going to feel when Victor confesses that he's been talking to Ara T—and that that's why his knife is now gone?

Quote #8

When I tiptoed back up the stairs I knew I had heard something important but I couldn't figure out exactly what. I kept going over what my mother said about stammering not running in her family and that made me wonder if stuttering ran in my father's family. And why he didn't say anything about that. (7.51)

When Victor finds out the biggest family secret that's been hidden from him—that his father isn't biologically related to him—he's more confused than angry. What does this mean for his family and for his relationship with his dad?

Quote #9

Mam may have called what happened to her busted-up face an Accident but there was more to it. Somebody had hit Mam with their fists. A bunch of times. Hard. Any kid knows you don't get a busted nose and two puffy eyes from falling down. (9.16)

Mam can see through all of Victor's lies, but he can see through hers, too. Go team. When she comes back with a messed up face, he knows right away that she didn't get into an accident—someone beat her up and she's lying about it so that he doesn't worry.