Punkzilla Chapter 2 Summary

March 3, 2008

  • This one's a going-away letter Buck Tooth Jenny gave Jamie before he left.
  • It's seriously misspelled, but the gist is that Jenny wishes she could have given him a gift—she's broke, but if she weren't, she'd get him a nice towel or some vitamins.
  • Jenny hopes Jamie will write her when he gets to Memphis, where she's sure he'll find a sweetheart.
  • Someday, she says, Jamie will have a girl for whom he can buy chocolates and rice pudding, and he'll be as happy with her as Jenny is with Branson.
  • Branson cries sometimes, she says, and that's how she knows he has a soul of gold. She thinks Jamie has one, too.
  • She closes with a drawing of a puppy named Poprock, who she says will guard Jamie "with ferociousness."