Punkzilla Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He would give me twenty bucks for every iPod. I would jump joggers in Forest Park which is this big woodland preserve with all these trails and tons of trees. (1.17)

What Jamie does is awful, but it's more awful that Fat Larkin pays him to do it. Sending kids to jump someone is somehow even worse than jumping them yourself.

Quote #2

I heard once how if you have no shame for your bad deeds that it means you're insane. Maybe my heart has an infection in it or something or maybe when I was a baby I had some weird fever that killed part of my conscience? (1.18)

Survival sometimes necessitates a shutdown of conscience, as wrong as that is. Compound the need for survival with a big dose of anger, and you've got Jamie.

Quote #3

I mean I know I have ADD and I know I smoke maybe too much pot and I know I got busted stealing that DVD player in the back of the Service Merchandise and I know the Major hates me and I know all of this makes me like public enemy number one and that I totally deserved to get sent to Buckner. (1.33)

Jamie was already stealing before he got to Portland, but Portland is where it turned violent. Take note, budding writers: Your characters' circumstances up their stakes.