Punkzilla Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She was going to make like three hundred bucks posing for that website too and it's pretty funny because Branson doesn't mind if she gives me or someone else a hand job but he goes ballistic if she starts talking about posing for a website or if you call her Buck Tooth Jenny. (1.36)

It's different for Branson when Buck Tooth Jenny's with Jamie, because Branson knows Jamie. Strangers on the Internet, though, are a different story. You never know who's looking, or how crazy they are.

Quote #2

Have you ever split a Viagra with Jorge? I hear it makes sex way more intense like you feel like you grow fangs. (5.35)

The use of an erectile dysfunction drug for old men as a recreational one for young men is… well, a little whack. But if you're at military school in Missouri, you've got to do something for fun.

Quote #3

I had never gotten a blow job before P but I just closed my eyes and tried to imagine Cornelia Zenkich from back home like her walking around naked on our lawn and then leaning back against our maple tree and that really helped a lot. (5.55)

While being molested by a man, Jamie fantasizes about a neighbor girl. The fact that he doesn't fight shows how quickly—and terribly—things can go wrong when you lose all your money. He feels legit stuck in this scenario.