Rocky Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rocky.

Quote #4

MICKEY: Cos you had the talent to become a good fighter! And instead of that, you became a leg-breaker to some cheap, second-rate loan shark! […] It's a waste of life!

Mickey is disappointed in Rocky for not putting 100% into his fighting career. He has never been able to forgive him, because Mickey always thought Rocky could be the best. This is Mickey's tough love.

Quote #5

ROCKY: I'm really a ham and egger. This guy, he's the best. It wouldn't be such a good fight.

Rocky doesn't think he even belongs in the same ring as Apollo Creed. After the verbal beating from Mickey, who suggests he retire, he's disappointed in himself, and has no confidence.

Quote #6

ROCKY: That's nice. You didn't take very good care of the picture, though.

This is a small, subtle line, but it shows Rocky's disappointment in how Mickey has let himself go. Sure, Mickey had a good career as a fighter, but he didn't take care of himself. Rocky knows if he had the same opportunity, he'd have cherished it.