Rocky Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rocky.

Quote #7

ROCKY: Talkin' about your prime. What about my prime, Mick? At least you had a prime. I ain't had no prime! I ain't had nothin'!

This is one of the most emotional, heartbreaking lines in the movie. Rocky lets his frustration and disappointment with his own sad life bubble to the surface.

Quote #8

PAULIE: I don't get married because of you! You can't live by yourself! I put you two together, and you... don't you forget it! You owe me! You owe me!

Rocky isn't the only one disappointed with the cards life as dealt him. Paulie isn't fairing any better. He takes it out on Adrian, though, instead of taking responsibility for his own shortcomings.

Quote #9

PAULIE: I can't haul meat no more!

Okay, this line isn't nearly as good as Rocky's "prime" line. Paulie is hardly a prime cut of meat. But the emotions behind it are the same. Paulie is at his breaking point, and he's tired of begging Rocky to cut him a break.