Rules of the Game Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Rules of the Game? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Whom does Waverly study chess with?

Her mother
An old man in the park
Bobby Fischer
Q. When she gets good at chess, what does Waverly no longer have to do?

Eat her vegetables
Work in the restaurant downstairs
Do her chores
Visit her grandparents
Q. On Saturdays when she isn't in a tournament, what does Waverly do?

She practices.
She plays with her brothers in the alley behind their house.
She combs her hair.
She goes with her mother to the market.
Q. What is Waverly's mom's preferred hairstyle for her daughter?

Tight pigtails
Straight rows
A ponytail