Seedfolks Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She had a serious thing for tomatoes. […] Always talking about eating 'em out of her aunt's garden when she was a kid and how she wanted to grow 'em someday. (9.4)

Curtis is trying to impress his ex-girlfriend, Lateesha, and she's got a hankering for tomatoes. For Lateesha, tomatoes are all about family. When she eats one, it has her thinking about her aunt and all their good times when she was a kid. Now those are some powerful tomatoes.

Quote #8

Yet we were all subject to the same weather and pests, the same neighborhood, and the same parental emotions toward our plants. (10.8)

Nora and Mr. Myles are getting really into their plants in the garden. Check out how Nora describes their relationship with the plants as "parental." Doesn't it remind you of how Virgil says he is a "mother" (7.15) to his lettuce? Do you think Nora and Virgil have similar relationships with their vegetation? What about the rest of the characters?

Quote #9

When the eggplants appeared in August they were pale purple, a strange and eerie shade. When my wife would bring our little son, he was forever wanting to pick them. (12.3)

Amir seems to have the green thumb in his family, but his son definitely gets in on the action, too. It's kind of bittersweet, don't you think? After all, he doesn't get to see his son very often, but when he does, it's majorly special.