Seedfolks Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

My great-grandparents walked all the way from Louisiana to Colorado. That was in 1859. They were both freed slaves and they wanted to get good and far from cotton-growing country. They went over the mountains, just to be safe, and homesteaded along the Gunnison River. Which is how my grandfather and my father and my sisters and I all came to be born there, the first black family in the whole county. My father called them our Seedfolks, because they were the first of our family there. (13.1)

It's pretty impressive how Florence can trace her family history way back to 1859. And it sounds to us like our gal feels a connection with her great-grandparents because she grew up in Colorado, the very same place that they moved to so many years ago. Now that she's in Cleveland, do you think she still feels connected to her family? Are there any hints in the chapter about how she keeps in touch with her family?