Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Chapter 43 Summary

  • Sadima and Franklin talk about the boy, and Franklin finally reveals that he also belongs to the Marsham family—his parents sold him to Somiss's father as a slave.
  • Franklin explains that Somiss is brilliant but temperamental and spoiled, and since the time when Franklin was three years old (just a year older than Somiss), it's been his job keep him happy.
  • Sadima asks Franklin to consider saving up money with her so that they can buy his freedom, but he says that he doesn't think Somiss would agree to sell him.
  • Somiss comes home right then, excited because a Gypsy woman gave him a book written in the Gypsy language (which apparently they're pretty secretive about).
  • A while ago, Somiss and Franklin visited a Gypsy camp and were beaten up for their curiosity. But Franklin saved a little boy from falling into the fire, and this book was from the little boy's mother, given the book to Somiss as thanks and as revenge against her father for ordering the attack on them.
  • Somiss leaves again, this time because he has family responsibilities for King's Day tomorrow. Sadima asks Franklin to consider what she's said (about leaving together). That night, and every night after, she sneaks into his room while he's asleep to sing the long-life song she'd learned over him.