Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Chapter 54 Summary

  • After the snake incident, Hahp returns to his room and reads the history book. It's talking about how after the age of magic, magicians saved scraps of magic in songs that they taught to their children.
  • Hahp can't even imagine a world without magic; his father buys magic to do everything for his business and around the house.
  • In another part of the book, it describes the four forbidden practices of magic: carnal acts, silent-speech, teaching magic outside the academy, and betraying any of the four vows. The punishment for all of these is death.
  • Gerrard comes in and starts talking. He's been trying to make soap, but can't figure it out.
  • Hahp finally realizes that he's grown up with this stuff all his life, but since Gerrard came from such a poor background, he can't imagine soap in enough detail to make it. He offers to let Gerrard borrow his soap, just to memorize the details.