Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Chapter 46 Summary

  • Hahp decides to go have some food, but when he tries to make griddle cakes, nothing happens. He hears someone laughing at him, too.
  • Gerrard is in the stone room, but he's bent over a book and a bowl of fish stew. Is Gerrard laughing at him? Is it someone else?
  • Hahp tries to make apples appear and succeeds. He takes some back to his room—but even though he's alone, he hears someone laughing, which really freaks him out.
  • He runs back to the stone room, tells Gerrard that he'd heard laughing in the room. Gerrard mutters "Thank you," which Hahp interprets as meaning that Gerrard is grateful for the confirmation that he's not alone in hearing things.
  • Hahp tries to make griddle cakes again, and this time he succeeds. When he goes back to his room, the history book is mysteriously on his bed again—so he opens it and begins to read.