Steppenwolf Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Preface if applicable, Paragraph)

Quote #4

And this too was odd: that somewhere in a green valley vines were tended by good, strong fellows and the wine pressed so that here and there in the world, far away, a few disappointed, quietly drinking townsfolk and dispirited Steppenwolves could sip a little heart and courage from their glasses. (14)

Observing all the other people drowning their sorrows, Harry lets us know that he doesn't have a monopoly on being the Steppenwolf: there are lots of divided souls in the world.

Quote #5

Once when despair had again got the better of me I had swallowed a big dose of [laudanum]—enough to kill six men, and yet it had not killed me. (75)

Remember that high tolerance we were talking about with the drinking? Well, apparently he can take deadly doses of drugs, too, and survive. Harry was just not meant to die, it would seem.

Quote #6

Once there, I poured myself out some brandy and water, swallowed some of my gout pills with it, and, lying on the sofa, tried to read. (86)

This event happens right before Harry meets Hermine; it shows how he relates drugs to sickness before he gets in with the crazy crowd.