Steppenwolf Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Preface if applicable, Paragraph)

Quote #7

I scanned the timetables on the walls; drank some wine and tried to come to my senses. (97)

Hmm… usually drinking wine helps you lose your senses, but if you need it to think clearly that probably means you have a problem.

Quote #8

Hermine told me that Pablo had many such drugs, and that he procured them through secret channels. He offered them to his friends now and then and was a master in the mixing and prescribing of them. He had drugs for stilling pain, for inducing sleep, for begetting beautiful dreams, lively spirits and the passion of love. (345)

Now we get to the good stuff. Before, drugs were used for suicide and pain; now they have a purpose of being inspirational. Also, Harry usually drinks and takes drugs alone when he's depressed. With Pablo, it becomes a social activity that opens everyone's minds.

Quote #9

As I felt a little unwell after this, Pablo laid me on the bed and gave me some drops, and while I lay with closed eyes I felt the fleeting breath of a kiss on each eyelid. (387)

And drugs can also be an excuse… Harry can accept the kisses from his friend while he's on the magic drops, when just a few minutes before he had rejected Pablo's proposal.