Stitches: A Memoir Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The doctor could not find her heartbeat. He believed she was dead, yet somehow still breathing. Then he discovered her heart. It was over on the wrong side of her chest. (1.309)

Because the young David knows this, we assume his mother told him. However, she won't tell him about his own health problems or explain to him that he almost died.

Quote #5

Mama's father died when she was ten. He and two friends had been out drinking and, while driving home in the dark, sailed over a cliff. (1.310)

David's mother was fatherless; David is now motherless. Even though she's there physically, the lack of love and nurturing with which she grew up keeps her from loving and nurturing her own children.

Quote #6

"Dear Mama, David has been home two weeks now. Of course the boy does not know it was cancer." (3.169)

David first learns he has cancer when he finds his mother's letter to his grandma. It's the old-fashioned version of snooping through somebody's email.