Stolen Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Stolen? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Where did Ty grow up?

On the same property he takes Gemma to
His dad's farm in Australia
The Separates
Q. Ty's dad disappears to the city to do what?

Drink and play the stock market
Buy illegal drugs
Have an affair
Moonlight as an exotic dancer
Q. What incident significantly alters Ty's life from his childhood onward?

Being taken to the city against his will
Having to spend the night alone in the wilderness
His mom leaving
Befriending a camel
Q. From whom does Ty gets a mysterious letter in his adulthood?

His dad
His mom
A long-lost sister
Q. Where do Ty and Gemma first meet?

A coffee shop
The airport in Bangkok
The park near Gemma's house
A mental hospital