The American Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Ask him, then, if he would not like to learn French. (1.41)

Noemie instantly spots a business opportunity and capitalizes on it. She's one smart cookie…and one ambitious cookie. Mmm, ambitious cookies.

Quote #2

It must be admitted, rather nakedly, that Christopher Newman's sole aim in life had been to make money […] (2.51)

He's not ashamed of it, either. Newman likes to live large…and he also likes to succeed. His monetary wealth has opened doors for him, like, say, allowing him to live in France.

Quote #3

Life had been for him an open game, and he had played for high stakes. (2.51)

Henry James loves to bring in gambling analogies. In gambling terms, Newman is all in and sitting at the high-rollers' table.