The American Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

To accept his injury and walk away without looking behind him was a stretch of good-nature of which he found himself incapable. (21.1)

Newman comes to the realization that he's hard-wired to take revenge. But, as he comes to realize, he's also hard-wired to let his dreams of revenge go by the wayside.

Quote #2

As to what he was to find out, there was only one fear—that it would not be bad enough. (21.2)

Newman may still care for Claire, but he wants the rest of the family to burn. Yup; that's a vengeful streak in a nutshell.

Quote #3

"They have hurt me, and I want to hurt them." (22.26).

Newman is clear in his goals. He also sounds a wee bit like the hero of (insert literally any action movie here).