The American Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

At all events I woke up suddenly, from a sleep or from a kind of reverie, with the most extraordinary feeling in the world—a mortal disgust for the thing I was going to do. (2.69)

Turns out that Newman isn't quite the mercenary he thought he was. Our guy is a softie deep down.

Quote #2

"It came upon me like that!"and he snapped his fingers—"as abruptly as an old wound that begins to ache." (2.69)

Newman thinks he makes decisions lickety-split. But describing a decision as "an old wound" seems to imply that he stews on things for a bit longer than he likes to think.

Quote #3

"But I see you are in earnest, and I should like to help you." (3.70)

Mrs. Tristram is a businesswoman through and through. She sees that Newman is a decent investment as a husband. (Also, she's probably more than a little bored at this point in her life.)