The Assistant Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #1

The grocer sighed and waited. Waiting he did poorly. When times were bad time was bad. It died as he waited, stinking in his nose. (1.1.14)

The slow rot of ticking time is about all Morris has to look forward to each day. Business will never boom. He won't be able to pursue a dream job. He can hardly provide for his family. His life is a dull disappointment.

Quote #2

She shared unwillingly the grocer's fate though she did not show it and her dissatisfaction when no further than nagging. (1.2.33)

Ida is no happier than Morris. Arguably, she's not happy with him. Still, just like her husband, she carries on, day after day, too despondent to rebel.

Quote #3

Virginity she thought she had parted with without sorrow, but was surprised by torments of conscience, or was it disappointment at being valued under her expectations. Nat Pearl, handsome, cleft-chinned, gifted, ambitious, had wanted without too much trouble a lay and she, half in love, had obliged and regretted. Not the loving, but that it had taken her son long to realize how little he wanted. Not her, Helen Bober. (1.3.19)

Helen regrets sleeping with Nat. She wouldn't do so again or repeat the first time. She tries to explain this later to Frank, but he doesn't get it. Like Nat, he doesn't value her as she deserves.