The Assistant Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #1

But he waited for the Russians to call him up, because if you left the district before they had conscripted you, then your father was arrested, fined, and imprisoned. If the son got away after induction, then the father could not be blamed; it was the army's responsibility. (4.2.6)

Here we learn an interesting detail about Morris's past: his relationship with his father, and what his father was able to do for him.

Quote #2

Yet she could not help but hope that her own children would someday marry Jews. (6.1.6)

Judaism is important to Helen, not just for her personally, but as the heritage of her family and her people. She wants her children to be one with her by sharing this bond.

Quote #3

Helen was still uneasy. It took her a while to quiet her conscience for having lied to her mother. (6.2.41)

Lying would be difficult for Helen under any circumstance, having been raised by the honest-to-goodness Morris Bober, but lying to her mother is particularly painful. Still, she does it, and is apparently able to quiet her conscience about it. Her mother's fears are not unfounded.