The Blessed Damozel Resources


Dante's Web

The Victorian Web is an awesome clearinghouse of biography, criticism, and links to Rossetti's work.

In the Archive

Rossetti has his very own online archive, with links to readings as well as his writings and visual art.

Firm Foundations

Here's a detailed bio and links to his work, brought to you by the Poetry Foundation.


Dance It Off

Enjoy this modern dance interpretation of "The Blessed Damozel." We sure did.

Documenting Dante

This video offers up some insights into Rossetti's life and his painting.

The Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Revolutionaries

This three-part BBC documentary will tell you everything you need to know about Rossetti's group of art pals.


Debussy Does Rossetti

French composer Claude Debussy was inspired by "The Blessed Damozel" to write this arrangement.

The Blessed Librivox

Here's a decent reading from the good folks at Librivox.


Young Dante

Here's a portrait of the artist as a young man—staring at you intensely.

Old Dante

Here's another portrait of Rossetti, done later in life.

Come for the Poem, Stay for the Painting

Rossetti turned his own poem into an original painting. How's that for talent?

One-Stop Viewing

You can check out a ton of Rossetti's visual art at the Rossetti Archive.

Articles and Interviews

"Rossetti's Real Fair Ladies: Lizzie, Fanny, and Jane"

Interested in learning more about D.G.R.'s love life? Look no further.


Ballads and Sonnets

This is cool. It's a digitally scanned version of Rossetti's collection Ballads and Sonnets, originally published in 1881.

Collected Poetry and Prose

Read it all right here.