The Demon's Lexicon Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Nick] had never intended to go into the circle again, had never intended to dance for the demons again. As far as he was concerned, the marked ones could go to someone else for help.

Only this time the marked one was Alan, and it was different. (3.67)

And why is it different? Because Nick loves his brother, whether he realizes it or not. He may not have the words to say it, but his actions communicate it loud and clear.

Quote #2

"You can't trust them, not for a second, because they are so desperate to get into this world, but—some people think that not all their feelings are simulated to trick us. They are very different from us. It's hard to tell, but some people think…" Alan's voice softened, and he admitted, "I think—that they can love." (5.83)

Why do you think Alan believes that demons are capable of love? Would he think such a thing if all he'd ever felt from Nick was cool aloofness? We think not.

Quote #3

Mae walked in the door at that point. She pushed Jamie's hair out of his eyes as she went by, then took a proper look at his pale face. She stooped and kissed his forehead before she went to get her muesli.

They were always doing weird stuff like that, as if they thought it was normal. It made Nick uncomfortable. (7.72-73)

The gestures of love that pass between Mae and Jamie make Nick squirm because he doesn't understand what purpose they serve or what thoughts or feelings they are supposed to convey. But does that necessarily mean that Nick is incapable of feeling love? Do you know anyone who isn't big on forehead kisses or really hates hugs? Why might some people have an aversion to this kind of touch?