The Demon's Lexicon Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"This is different," [Nick] said. "This is you."

Alan looked terribly pleased for a moment, and Nick realized that his brother had taken this as one of the ridiculous, sappy things Alan was used to saying all the time. (3.53-54)

Nice try, Nick, but we don't think that's it. Alan's not pleased because he thinks Nick's being sappy. Alan's pleased because Nick's demonstrating an ability to care about someone other than himself—something he wouldn't be able to do if he hadn't changed at all.

Quote #2

Alan looked at Nick. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the imprisonment circle. His gaze traveled from Nick to Jamie. Nick saw him putting together what must have happened and he wanted to say he was sorry but then, incredibly, Alan smiled. (13.153)

Once again Nick misses the significance of his situation. The fact that he's in the imprisonment circle indicates that he placed Jamie's personal safety above his own. Sure he may have rationalized it to himself even as he was doing it, but he did it just the same. Whether it was because he cares about Jamie, or because he cares about Alan—who he knows cares about Jamie—it doesn't matter. Caring is caring is caring. So there.

Quote #3

The lamplight caught the tears clinging to Alan's eyelashes and painted the tears running down his face yellow.

Nick reached out, but the circle stopped him. (15.48-49)

Shazam. This is a super great moment because remember, gestures like ruffling someone's hair or reaching out to place a comforting arm on someone's shoulder don't come naturally to Nick. Except that this one does.