The Demon's Lexicon Characters

Meet the Cast

Nicholas Ryves

Nick In Six Tall. Dark. Handsome. Moody. Brooding. Confused… All six of these words (and plenty more) apply to Nick Ryves. The first three might get you to answer his personals ad, but the second...

Alan Ryves

Not Just a Nice GuyWhen Nick asks Alan for help with the kitchen sink, Alan replies, "No, I'm too busy cooking. You do the heavy lifting around here. I'm more the sensitive intellectual type" (1.5)...

Mae Crawford

Pretty in Pink From her pink hair to her "Romeo and Juliet wouldn't have lasted" tee, Mae is a unique individual. At first Nick takes her for someone who's working really hard to get noticed, and t...

Jamie Crawford

It would be easy to dismiss Jamie as pure comic relief in The Demon's Lexicon, especially as he delivers lines like, "My life was going to flash before my eyes, but it decided to hide behind my eye...


Over the course of the book, as we learn more about what's really going on, our view of Mum changes dramatically. At first she seems a lot like the crazy-woman-in-the-attic type so typical of Gothi...

Daniel Ryves

Although Daniel Ryves doesn't ever appear in the book, his presence is greatly felt. It's clear that he's the one who has instilled the importance of family and loyalty in both Alan and Nick, and b...

Merris Cromwell

Though her appearances in the novel are brief, Merris Cromwell helps us to see two very important things. First, through her experimentation at The House of Mezentius, she raises the issue of how t...


Gerald is the magician with a heart of gold. Okay, not quite. Not at all, really. As far as we know he's just as murderous as Black Arthur, but he's smarter in one important way: after observing th...


Anzu, like so many other people/events in the book, is an early clue to Nick's true identity—one of those clues we skate right over the first time we read. When Nick summons Anzu at the Goblin Ma...


Liannan is a kinder, gentler demon than Anzu. When Nick communicates with her, she actually seems to have some true affection for him, which helps us to believe: (a) that Alan might be right—demo...

Sin Davies

Sin, a.k.a. Cynthia, Davies is another character we expect to see more of in the sequels, but her presence in The Demon's Lexicon is important in that it helps establish two things:Nick is a hottie...