Identity Quotes in The Glass Castle

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

To the people walking by, she probably looked like any of the thousands of homeless people in New York City. (1.1.2)

Often homeless people blend together into one generic "homeless" identity, but Jeannette's story humanizes her mother and gives her a unique identity. Maybe a little too unique.

Quote #2

"No child is born a delinquent." (2.2.20)

Mom argues that nurture is more important than nature. But if that's the case, then we're a little surprised Jeannette doesn't become a delinquent. How is it that the Walls children turn out fairly okay, despite their awful childhoods?

Quote #3

Lori and I were secretly thrilled be called special. (2.22.8)

Jeannette's family doesn't have much, so an identity is one of the only things Jeannette can cling to and call her own.