The Maze Runner Chapter 28 Quotes

The Maze Runner Chapter 28 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

Thomas was overwhelmed by a surge of anger. "Fine, so how do we do it? I want to know who I am just as much as anyone else. Obviously. […] Thomas paused, upset and suddenly embarrassed. What did it all mean? Was he different from everyone else somehow? Was something wrong with him? (28.28, 34)

What if his fears were true? Haven't we all felt this way at one time or another? Especially during adolescence, it's incredibly common to feel like there's something wrong with us, like we will never truly fit in. It kind of blows our minds to think that if we could all admit to this feeling at the same time, then we'd all be fitting in together.

Quote 5

Who was she? The irony of the question struck him—he didn't even know who he was. (28.69)

Yeah dude, figure out your own issues first before laying into someone else. Don't throw stones in glass houses, or something.