The Monstrumologist Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Why did you let Varner live? Wouldn't it have been safer to discard him in the pit with the other 'garbage'?"

"Dear God, Warthrop, what do you take me for? I may be avaricious, but I am not completely corrupt."

I thought of flies buzzing maddeningly upon a windowpane, of their repugnant progeny squirming in open sores, of boots filled with liquefying flesh. I am not completely corrupt. (13.128-130)

Yeah, we're going to go ahead and disagree with you there, Dr. Starr. What you did to Captain Varner was almost worse that feeding him to the Anthropophagi. "Corrupt" would probably be one of the milder labels we could give you. This quote helps reiterate how absolutely pitiless this guy is.