The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But I might throw a safety circuit around this net—by offering to help. Stop dangerous ones—let others go through. Then collect for "correcting" them. (If you think any Loonie in those days would hesitate to take advantage of Warden, then you aren't a Loonie.) (1.69)

Ah, the first taste of manipulation seems harmless enough. Mannie makes some fake computer errors and earns a quick buck "fixing" them. But this snowball is rolling downhill and growing larger.

Quote #2

That we were slaves I had known all my life—and nothing could be done about it. True, we weren't bought and sold—but as long as Authority held monopoly over what we had to have and what we could see to buy it, we were slaves. (2.72)

Through its monopoly, the Authority can manipulate the market to its advantage every time, ensuring that others cannot compete against it.

Quote #3

"And that, senorita, is the weakness of our Cause. Communications. Those goons were not important—but crucially important is that it lay with the Warden, not with us, to decide whether the story should be told. To a revolutionist, communications are a sine-qua-non." (5.118)

Prof lays down the master key of manipulation in this quote: communication. Controlling, changing, and owning the means of communication are essential weapons for both sides of the revolutionary conflict.